the issue of health insurance claims, life insurance and auto insurance such as personal injury and accident law handling.

How the insurance company can determine how long a person will live.

How the insurance company can determine how long a person will live it is a question that we want to know.
Sometimes we are asked "What is the purpose of our life in the world?" But it would be better if we think "To whom we live ..."

Family is our responsibility if we as a family head.
Life Insurance is one way we can continue to provide the best to the family we left behind.

I will try to give you information about the Life Insurance below.
Life Insurance is actually protecting the Economic Value of One, what is the economic value?

The definition of economic value is the value that is owned by someone who can be reckoned with since he entered the Value of Money Earning Period to Period Shortage Such Productive. Earning period is a period in which a person has income for himself and for his family

So the person who has entered a period of prolific, and he was able to generate the income that can be used for the entire family and himself, then someone is declared to have a high economic value. Having penghaslan means that the person is able to provide a decent life for his family (although understanding WORTH here is relative and highly consistent with the patterns and needs of each family.

The question that might arise from this is: "Are we able to guarantee ourselves to still be able to have" ECONOMIC VALUE "this all our lives?

So we will be able to ensure our family's life?.

The answer is "NO"

Economical value or the productive period could be lost altogether due to certain conditions conditions that happen to us

Causing potential loss of income / earnings / Economic Value somebody is as follows
- DIE TOO SOON (Off Too Fast)
- TOO LONG LIFE (Living Too Long)
- DISABILITY (defects / malfunctions)
- NEED FOR CASH (Need for Money)


Die Too Soon. (Died too fast): 

Humans were not created to determine how long he will live, and how long he will be victorious. If God determines human life is only 46 years old at that age then he must be called by Him Or even if God determines man only lived until the age of 36 years then he will definitely die at that age. It is not known how the given but the line was like it and man can only live it. Unbeknownst to her death process. Is it due to illness, work accidents or accidents on the road because the vehicle when leaving for work using either private or public.

"If it happens to us so that we lose the economic value or died still in the productive age like that, how our family (kids & wife / husband) will continue his life?, How are we going to continue education is?

morally: we are the ones who should be responsible for the survival of our families.

Life Too Long (Live tothe old)

What prayers do you pray to the Lord every day? "In any of our prayers, which we always ask is given a long life, healthy and cheap fortune." But what if our prayer is granted, so that we become to have a long life. For example, we or our families have up to 96 years of age.

What can we see in people with age so?

Maybe we will see is a senile old man who always troublesome family and always in need of money in a large amount to the cost of treatment ranging from the cost of living as well as for the medical bills if he was suffering from an illness How much cost it takes? At that age he tidk may seek their own living expenses but it would depend on her children and grandchildren.

If he does not have enough money to prep up at that age then there is only us to burden our children and descendants while the children and descendants we have to fight for life and his family's own living expenses.


Disability (inadequacy / deficiency)

Common disability caused by workplace accidents or accident, or suffering from an illness.
Automatically because he considered no longer proficient in our work then of course we will not be needed again in the same field of work. And we'll automatically reduced income can occur even disappear altogether.

If it does, what her responsibilities to the family?

Need for Cash (need money)

Of the three conditions above, the only thing needed is money, either to resume family life, for life and for the replacement cost of changing conditions,

Where the money is obtained if we do not have early preparation. How do we prepare ourselves to face such conditions that the loss of economic value us because the things that are beyond our power
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